“serve””service”在Where a notice or other document is served or sent by post, service or delivery shall be deemed to be effected 48 hours from the time when the cover containing the same is posted. 这句话中怎么理解?
“serve””service”在Where a notice or other document is served or sent by post, service or delivery shall be deemed to be effected 48 hours from the time when the cover containing the same is posted. 这句话中怎么理解?
在法律文件中,“serve”“service”除了有“服务”等常见意思之外,还有“送达”的意思,此句即为“送达”。整句话可译为“若通知或其他文件是以邮寄方式送达或寄送,则在包含该通知或文件的信函被投递后满48小时之时应被视为已送达或交付。”“service”在合同中常常与通知连用,构成“Notice and Service”(通知和送达)条款。在与法律诉讼相关的文件中,也有一些与“service”相关的术语,如:(1) Proof of service 送达证明(指将法院发出的传票或裁决书等文件或通知送达给当事人的证明书);(2)Proof of acknowledgement送达回执(指为被送达人所出具的确认文书,一般需要由被送达人签字,用以确认被送达人已收到传票或其他通知、文件)